A detailed Plan for the Communications, Dissemination and Exploitation (PEDR) has been designed by DREAM and released as Deliverable D1.2. Initially it was foreseen the participation to the ECCOMAS and AIAA Congresses and the publication of the corresponding conference papers. The spread of the Covid-19 pandemic has led to cancellation/postponement of many international congresses and workshops, with the consequent slowdown of the dissemination activities. As a results of the research activity, two papers have been finalized and published. The consortium has individuated in the Ph.D. Serena Russo (DREAM) the D&E manager in charge to prepare, monitor and deliver all the dissemination activities performed in the frame of the project ESTRO.
Dissemination and exploitation of results
The dissemination strategy includes three different levels of dissemination.
- Internal dissemination of results to partners within the consortium. In order to enable easy and transparent communication mailing lists will be created and a central data-server provided by the coordinator will be used in order to distribute information, data and results. Periodic workshops and/or dedicated project meetings are planned in order to enable communication, improve the discussion and the transfer of known-how within the consortium.
- Public dissemination of results. The present web site will be used to communicate the project progress. Apart from that scientific publication of results, journal articles, conference presentations and project reports are planned according to article 29.2 of H2020 on Dissemination and Exploitation where appropriate, taking into account confidentiality of the project and TM indications. Since ESTRO is strongly based on input-data from Leonardo Aviation, IP-rights have to be taken into account, but in general dissemination and management of IP-rights is not incompatible. Details for this are included in the Consortium Agreement signed by all partners.
- Everyday business of the partners. The SMEs have an intrinsic interest of promoting their findings and know-how to their customers and to potential customers using their usual dissemination channels to create new business opportunities. Universities are a privileged place of dissemination to the future generations of engineers and scientists. The details with regard to IP-handling and protection, access rights and the treatment of foreground and background knowledge will be included in the consortium agreement.
Exploitation activities
The exploitation of the ESTRO project’s results and foreground is considered of paramount importance for all consortium partners, since valorisation activities:
- Generate economic and social value and improve competitiveness of the European industry;
- Introduce an alternative income source to fund further R&D activities;
- Enable rooting an entrepreneurial culture
- Expand the market of the ESTRO partners by exploiting the results.
The envisaged strategy to exploit project results and developed know-how works on different levels, taking into account the different interests of the partners. The main asset created from this project will be the know-how on the robustness of laminar flow and load control effectiveness for a turboprop wing by means of an experimental assessment. Furthermore, the possibility to dispose of high fidelity CFD tools, eventually calibrated and validated as a powerful means to predict the laminar flow effectiveness in flight conditions, represents another important asset for future exploitation.
For the SMEs the know-how generated in ESTRO will be adopted to initialize follow-up industrial projects, which open new markets and allow addressing new customers.
For the University as UNISA, the experimental and numerical test campaign will contribute to increase their already broad knowhow in the assessment of laminar flow technology. Even more relevant, they will increase the transfer of this new knowhow to the interested scientific community and into the institutes through teaching actions (that represents the main way of exploitation) but also through short courses run for industry and outreach events.
- S. Russo, V. Citro, N. Natale and F. Giannetti; “An accurate RANS-based transition prediction approach (part I)“. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 1226, International Conference on Innovation in Aviation & Space to the Satisfaction of the European Citizens (11th EASN 2021) 01/09/2021 – 03/09/2021 Salerno. Vol .126; DOI:10.1088/1757-899x/1226/1/012012
- S. Russo, N. Natale, V. Citro and F. Giannetti; “An accurate RANS-based transition prediction approach (part II)“. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 1226, International Conference on Innovation in Aviation & Space to the Satisfaction of the European Citizens (11th EASN 2021) 01/09/2021 – 03/09/2021 Salerno, Volume 126.; DOI: 10.1088/1757-899x/1226/1/012013
Training Courses
A series of training courses and seminars on CFD and transition predictions have been offered by DREAM as part of the Course “Numerical Fluid Dynamics” held by Flavio Giannetti at the Department of Industrial Engineering (DIIN) of the University of Salerno in the academic years 2019-2020 and 2021-2022.