September 24, 2019


The University of Salerno is one of the most important universities in southern Italy. The Fisciano and Baronissi campuses, are equipped with all the best services and infrastructure necessary for carrying out university activities to the highest standards. At the moment, the University of Salerno has about 1000 permanent teaching & research faculty members, 43000 students overall and 4200 students in the School of Engineering. Its library is one of the largest collections of books in Italy, with approximately 450000 volumes. According to a recent survey, the University of Salerno is the university that grows more nationwide. The University of Salerno is organized into 16 departments which are responsible for planning the research strategies and the teaching activities. The university offers the whole range of degrees in 10 different fields: Economics, Education Science, Engineering, Foreign Languages, Humanities, Law, Medicine and Surgery, Sciences (natural sciences, mathematics and physics), Pharmaceutics, Political Science. The School of Engineering has four branches (Chemical, Civil, Information and Mechanical); The Section of Mechanical Engineering of the Department of Industrial Engineering, with 12 full professors, 9 associate professors, 12 permanent research assistants and a few contract researchers, specializes in: Thermodynamics, Fluid Dynamics, Construction of Machines, Industrial Design, Mechanical Plants, Economical and Management Engineering, Engines and Energy Systems, Machine Mechanics, Technology and Technological Processes. The department of Industrial Engineering hosts a doctoral school with about 12 new doctoral students per year.

The Fluid Dynamics Research Group specialises in stability, turbulence and related numerical methods. The group routinely participates in national research projects and received a Marie- Curie European grant. They keep a number of standing external collaborations with other universities, like Politecnico di Milano, Università di Roma La Sapienza, Università di Napoli Federico II and Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse, KTH Mechanics, TU Berlin,. For years the group has consulted with CIRA on themes of transition prediction and receptivity. Recently the group has been involved in the European projects LAMBLADE (call JTI-CS-2009- 2-GRC-01-002) and RECEPT (Project reference: 265094).
